Wednesday, May 2, 2007

CD2 2008 Democratic Candidate Poll

Although we may unite against Congressman Heller, we need to be looking toward someone we can be for. This is not a complete list of potential candidates, but it's a start. If you notice a name missing, mention it in the comment thread and we'll put it on the next poll.


Sven said...

In case you don't know who is who:

Kate Marshall - NV State Treasurer, Reno

Debbie Smith - NV Assembly member, Reno

Sheila Leslie - NV Assembly member, Reno

Jill Derby - 2006 candidate, newly elected NV Dem party chair

David Bobzien - NV Assembly member, Reno

Teresa Benitez Thompson - current 2nd vice chair of NV Dems, former 1st vice chair, former Miss Nevada, Reno

Chris Wicker - Chair Washoe County Dems, environmental lit. lawyer

Sven said...

correction: Debbie Smith is from Sparks, of course, interestingly she went to High School in the rurals, in Battle Mountain.

Anonymous said...

We're not going to let Jill Derby lose a second time. We will be FIERCE!

I had the immense pleasure of hearing Kate Marshall speak at Washoe Dem monthly meeting in April.

During question time I asked, "So when Gibbons gets popped, do you get to be Governor?" Brought the house down. Kate answered succinctly about succession by law.

But there was no denying the current in the room. Kate is our next Governor.

If you haven't heard her speak, run don't walk.

NO-BS said...

I hate to say this, but Debbie Smith is no progressive.