Sunday, July 1, 2007

Appreciation on Paper?

On Friday the 13th -- April, 2007 Nevada congressional representative Dean Heller (R-NV02) paid a visit to the Nevada Department of Public Safety's Records and Technology Division to present a certificate to the office for "tireless dedication in supporting law enforcement in service and protection of Nevada's citizens and visitors." [DPS] Apparently, this paper is to make up for the potential loss of funding from federal sources as the Bureau of Justice Statistics takes a $10 million cut in the Administration's FY 2008 budget, noted a month earlier by AFSCME?

State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis Centers and other elements of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, didn't fare very well in the Bush budget for FY 2008: "The Bureau of Justice Statistics is also slated for a funding shortfall of $10 million. The important national Crime Victimization Survey, which is the only accurate census of crime victims, and is the nation's primary source of information on criminal victimization, is not funded at a level sufficient to carry on this important work. This information provided by the survey is invaluable to the national Crime Prevention Council, community groups and law enforcement agencies." [AFSCME] [House Dem Budget Analysis pdf]

Since we've not heard anything, or seen anything in print, from Rep. Heller about the budget cuts to the Bureau of Justice Statistics -- could we assume the "certificate of appreciation" is all the paper Nevada's Records and Technology division can expect from the Administration which worked so hard to get Rep. Heller elected?

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